Asbestos removal
Removal of asbestos from homes
In Quebec, asbestos is governed by the following regulation and code;
The Occupational Health and Safety Regulation (RSST) & The Safety Code for Construction Work (CSTC)
In 2013 the RSST was revised and is now more severe on the following points;
The regulation applies to all establishments, all buildings and all construction sectors
- Keep a record of the identification of flocking and heat insulation
- Elimination of dust that may contain asbestos in contact with the worker
- Disclosure of reports, rules and information to the worker
Naturally all other provisions and safety measures remain for construction workers, here are some of them;
- Wearing tracksuits
- High risk locker room & double shower
- Respiratory protection appropriate to the risk
- Daily laboratory analysis
- Characterization of materials
Before undertaking work likely to contain asbestos, consult one of the members of our Air saphir team to guide you;
- Material characterization
- Risk assessment
- Development of the removal protocol
- Work estimate
- Let’s carry out work
- Laboratory analysis
Contact us now