Specialized Cleaning and Decontamination Services Throughout the Greater Montreal Area

Mold Decontamination
Do you have mold in your residential or commercial building? Don’t let this situation last any longer and exposing yourself to potential health hazards. If you are in the Greater Montreal area, call on our specialized cleaning company for fine decontamination.
With professional equipment, we will carefully follow the recommended procedure for mould removal. Our fine decontamination service is comprehensive and impeccable. We will take care of your indoor cleaning needs, from walls to ceilings, including floors, furniture, ventilation ducts, foundations and attic space. By implementing a tailor-made decontamination protocol, by establishing an environment with negative air pressure and by using an antifungal solution, we guarantee a 100% successful and safe fine decontamination. Trust us, with us you will enjoy a healthy living environment in your home, your basement, your attic or your service cellar.
Do you need a mold decontamination?

Service cellar mold decontamination
Humidity in the house? bad smell? High cost of heating bills?
You may be facing a mold problem in your crawl space or service cellar
Humidity or lack of heating
The cellar or the service basement must be maintained at a standard humidity level, it must hold an average temperature in summer & winters of about 15 degrees or more.
Often we neglect the insulation on the floor and on the walls of this one, which can become enormously problematic and cause condensation and heat loss which will end up causing mold
We all have a bad habit of using these spaces for storage, which is a very bad idea. We must promote air circulation, poor circulation and a lack of ventilation can cause mold.
Crack or water infiltration
It is never a good idea not to correct an infiltration immediately, a material not removed or dried out will cause mold in the future, it is essential to regulate the sources.
Cleaning Saphir will provide you with a protocol to remedy your service cellar problem.
Attic mold decontamination
You have mold in your attic, here are the possible causes;
Humidity & poor ventilation
Inadequate ventilation, lack of maximum & clogged soffit, trapped moist air condenses in the attic and seeps into your insulation. The humidity then causes slow-growing mold on your materials, which can eventually have risks to your health.
Increased heat
A closed attic, with poor ventilation in summer weather can reach very high temperatures. The heat, trapped, will affect the general climate of the house.
Risk of frost in winter
The winter season also requires adequate ventilation. Trapped attic heat will melt snow and ice on the roof. When the melting snow drips down the roof, it freezes again, and forms an ice dam that could cause water infiltration.
Sapphire Cleaning can help you find solutions in addition to getting rid of mold by offering you affordable and lasting solutions.
We will offer you a free evaluation adapted to your building.
Basement or house mold decontamination
Humidity in the house? bad smell? Water seepage? Health problem ?
You have a doubt?
Cleaning Saphir can offer you the following services;
- In-depth inspection
- Humidity reading
- Full documentation
- Decontamination protocol
- Air rehabilitation
- Analysis of materials in a certified laboratory
- Air analysis in a certified laboratory
- Free estimate in 24 hrs
- Tailor-made service as needed
- Fast turnkey service
Our teams are certified, they have the certifications required to properly carry out decontamination without risk to the health of the occupants.
All our decontamination work is carried out under negative pressure, workers are equipped with protection for their health and safety, we also protect all property, customer coatings and more.
All our work is guaranteed and carried out according to the S520 standard of the IICRC & the protocols of the CNESST, we give each client certificates of analysis from a certified independent laboratory.

Mold, a health risk
Your health and that of your loved ones are important to us!
Improve the air quality in your home now!
Mold is found everywhere: in our homes, our workplaces, public places, at work, outdoors and even in what we eat. It can be visible as well as invisible. Some people may be more sensitive to mold and develop long-term health problems.
You have one or more of the following symptoms;
- Itchy eyes and nose
- Irritated throat
- A chronic cough
- Asthma
- Allergies
- Chronic sinusitis
- Chronic infections
Consult one of our sapphire air cleaners if you have doubts about your building or you wish to undertake mold decontamination work, we will be there to support and help you!
Free estimate & protocol the same day
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