RBQ 5793-3178-01
Appelez Nettoyage Saphir! Montréal 514-641-0845 | Québec 418-518-0845
Bureaux à aire ouverte, l'ensemble est très propre et bien organisé
Chiffon et produits pour nettoyage après la mort d'un proche

Saphir, the specialist cleaning expert

Estate cleaning

Need a service to empty or clean an estate? Call on our team for fast, thorough, discreet and respectful service. We know how demanding this event can be. We’re well aware that estate and legacy management requires a great deal of personal involvement. Leave the hard work to us, while you deal with the inevitable. Your time is precious, and the paid leave you’ve been allotted will probably not be enough to manage this dossier from A to Z. You’ve already got your hands full with the 11 legal steps of succession.

Nettoyage Saphir knows how to handle every type of estate. Whether it’s a clean place or a cluttered, unhealthy place, the Saphir team has the equipment to sanitize surfaces and air, as well as treat odors. With your permission, some goods will be donated to charity for reuse. Here’s your chance to make the most of your estate.

Let us take over!

After-death cleaning

Do you need a post-death cleaning service? Call on our team for fast, thorough, discreet and respectful service. Empathetic and attentive, we’re used to cleaning up after the death of a loved one, whether it’s a natural death, accident, suicide, tragedy or homicide. In particular, we have the expertise to clean up and remove blood and fluid spills. Afterwards, we can also take care of the sorting of belongings, the complete disinfection of the premises and the search for personal property. We’ll be happy to make your life easier during this difficult time with our after-death cleaning service. Don’t hesitate to contact us anywhere in Quebec.

We’ll be happy to make your life easier during this difficult time with our after-death cleaning service. Don’t hesitate to contact us anywhere in Quebec.

At Nettoyage Saphir, all our employees are trained in after-death cleaning. They master every step of the post-death cleaning and disinfection process. For our customers, it’s the assurance of obtaining impeccable, comprehensive results that meet your needs:


  • Search for goods and documents
  • Taking out the garbage and emptying the fridge
  • Disposal of goods affected by the event
  • Sorting and arranging goods and furniture
  • Surface cleaning
  • Bacterial and viral treatment
  • Parasitic treatment
  • Odor treatment using vapors or ozone
  • Boxing goods
  • Disposal of goods
  • Moving goods
Nettoyage après décès
Imge d'un coin repos propre qui a été nettoyé par Nettoyage Saphir

Specialized post-death cleaning

The Saphir team begins its cleaning operations as soon as we receive authorization from the authorities and the funeral home. Our mandate is to clean, sanitize, disinfect and deodorize the physical traces left on the site after the death. Nettoyage Saphir will begin by drawing up a cleaning protocol based on the desired inventory management. The post-mortem area will be off-limits to avoid health risks. Our specialists will be protected by PPE adapted to each specific after-death situation. Specialists will clean and disinfect surfaces and goods affected by the event, using enzymes and disinfectants. Ventilation systems will be cleaned as required. Odour treatment will be carried out using a steam, ozone or hydroxyl generator in the after-death zone, under positive pressure. These gases will break down the molecules of volatile organic compounds (VOCs, generated by bacteria) that impregnate fabric fibers and porous materials with odors.

In Quebec, the medical profession is obliged to declare the death of a person by completing a declaration of death form. The Directeur de l’état civil then draws up the death certificate and registers it in the civil register. When death occurs in these circumstances: violent, obscure, accidental, suicidal, homicidal, due to negligence, where the person cannot be identified, or where the cause of death cannot be established, reporting to a coroner is mandatory. The coroner will act according to the mandate dictated by Bill C-69.01. Once the file has been closed by the coroner, we can take over. Following these actions, we can move on to assessment, cleaning, disinfection, deodorization, inventory management and removal. Given the significant viral and bacterial health risks in the post-death area, it’s advisable to deal only with the professionals at Nettoyage Saphir?

According to the INSPQ, the deceased may have died from a contagious infection. After 48 to 72 hours, the body has begun the process of decomposition. These bodies may release bacterial or viral aerosols in living areas or in the presence of fluids. It is possible to contract a pathology by coming into contact with liquids or breathing in these aerosols. Touching liquids or contaminated surfaces can expose you to gastrointestinal infections. The post-death area presents risks of exposure to biological fluids: human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV), as well as biohazardous infectious materials such as bacteria, viruses and parasites.

Important fact: When selling a property, if this is the case, the seller is required to declare the suicide that took place in the building, or risk incurring monetary compensation. Buyers will feel more secure knowing that the premises and the air have been thoroughly cleaned, sanitized, disinfected and deodorized, following the decontamination of the death site. What’s more, you’ll be confident that you’re handing over a certified, odor-free property that no longer poses a health risk. It’s even possible to carry out a bacterial air test to validate the success of the work following this major clean-up.

For more information on the steps to follow following a death, please consult the provincial document: What to do in the event of death. For the rest, the Nettoyage Saphir team takes care of everything.

Salon épuré d'une maison bien nettoyée
Bureau d'un appartement encombré
Garage de maison très encombré

Compulsive hoarding cleaning

The terms used to describe the mania for accumulating often useless possessions go by many names, depending on the situation. Sufferers accumulate articles, newspapers, magazines, boxes, food and garbage compulsively, without really realizing it. For sufferers, starting a cleaning & decluttering process becomes very difficult, and the syndrome is also associated with unsanitary conditions, health problems, vermin and fire hazards.

You’ve clicked on our site? Congratulations, the first stage of your healing process has begun. Do you feel embarrassed, sad and alone in this situation? Your feelings are completely normal. Now you have two choices:

Contact us by phone or e-mail. We’ll make initial contact by listening to you, building a bond of trust so we can understand your situation and help you in the best possible way. We can then agree on an effective action plan for your situation. The action plan includes sending photos.

Schedule an on-site visit. Our staff has many years’ experience in such situations, and will take the time to listen and help you, in complete confidentiality.Our representative will identify your needs and priorities and establish a budget.Whatever you choose, our action plan and quotation are completely free of charge. Once we’ve received your estimate, if you accept it, you’ll be able to make an appointment.A project manager will be assigned to you and will come on-site to guide you through the cleaning process.


  • Compulsive hoarding, syllogomania, hoarding cleansing
  • Diogenes syndrome cleaning
  • Morbidly unhealthy cleaning
  • Decluttering your spaces
  • Sorting your belongings and furniture
  • Disposal of debris and useless items
  • Cleaning, disinfection and odor treatment
  • Donations to organizations with your approval
  • Organization of your premises
  • OPTION: Telephone follow-up
  • OPTION: Semi-annual or annual cleaning

Cleaning up Diogenes syndrome or morbid insalubrity

Landlords and tenants who have a habit of cluttering up and accumulating objects of all kinds may be labelled with the term Diogenes syndrome.

It’s important to understand that this type of compulsive, accumulative and cluttered behavior puts tenants, neighbors and caregivers at risk. Diogenes syndrome, morbid unhealthiness, hoarding or syllogomania poses four categories of risk: biological, chemical, psychosocial and environmental.

Accumulating a large number of piled-up objects promotes insalubrity. Bacteria, molds, insects (fleas and bedbugs) and rodents can multiply and promote symptoms and illnesses (asthma, allergies, respiratory diseases or diseases carried by insects (scabies, bartonellosis, lyme, etc.). The problem is all the more serious because it affects not only the occupant, but also the physical and mental health of the neighborhood. Unfortunately, at this point, the owner becomes legally responsible for all the people affected by these problems, which could cost him dearly in many ways.

The accumulation of multiple chemicals and large quantities of flammable materials poses a fire hazard to occupants and neighbors alike.

Of course, it’s only a matter of time before the environmental and odour problems are felt. Loss of comfort, nuisance, sleep deprivation, anxiety, heightened emotional reactions and altered intellectual performance can affect not only the occupants, but also the neighborhood. The loss of enjoyment is often legally quantifiable.

To protect their residents, some cities have issued specific bylaws, but the province of Quebec’s Tribunal administratif du logement (TAL) prevails. For its part, the Superior Court can: compel landlords to remedy the problem; allow the municipality to do so at the landlord’s expense; order evacuation or even demolition of the building. Quebec City, Montreal and several other municipalities in the Greater Montreal area are inspecting and legislating against Diogenes syndrome, morbid insalubrity, syllogomania or hoarding.

Now that you’re informed, don’t wait any longer!
Nettoyage Saphir can help you through this experience.Whether you’re the person living with the excessive build-up, or the owner of the property concerned, we’ll support you and help you get through this delicate event. Our quote is free of charge.We’ll take stock of the situation, define the appropriate protocol, get rid of what’s no longer useful, clean, disinfect, deodorize and purify the indoor air. It’s as simple as that. Our staff are friendly and well-trained for this highly specialized type of work. All products used are approved and certified.

La chambre d'un appartement insalubre qui a besoin d'un bon nettoyage
Syndrome diogène

Cleansing Noah’s Syndrome

Noah’s syndrome, or ”Animal Hoarding”, is the excessive surrounding of oneself with animals. The average is 39 animals, most of them cats, dogs and birds. At a certain point, you lose control. The user is no longer able to adequately feed and/or care for these animals and their environment. The physical and psychological well-being of the animals is at stake, as well as that of the occupants, neighbors and owners. This has a number of consequences;

Animals may suffer mistreatment (starvation, illness, suffering…).
Unpleasant and unpleasant odors are felt.
The situation has physical, psychological and financial repercussions.
Animal density favors the emergence of diseases transmissible to humans.

In short, Noah’s Syndrome generates health, physical, social, economic and legal problems. CSSSs can offer support and follow-up to those affected. Shelters can provide support for animals in need. MAPAQ is responsible for enforcing the Animal Health Protection Act (P-42), which ensures the well-being of both animals and humans. Municipalities will set their own regulations on the number of animals allowed in a home and on sanitation, such as article 25 of Montreal’s by-law on the sanitation and maintenance of dwellings.

The extreme clean-up of a case of Noah’s Syndrome should be left to the experts in insalubrity. Citizens are rarely equipped with the specialized knowledge and equipment for such work. When cleaning, the work area should be under negative pressure. Using a conventional vacuum cleaner without a leakproof HEPA filter would fragment and disseminate viruses, bacteria, moulds and parasites in the breathable air, which would be very dangerous for everyone’s health. Cleaning without the appropriate biocides could leave the premises contaminated. What’s more, the air needs to be purified using HEPA air cleaners, and the living space and its furnishings need to be deodorized using urine enzymes, odor neutralizers and/or ozone or hydroxyl generators to break down the VOC molecules in animal excrement. This work is risky and requires the intervention of well-trained specialists protected by appropriate PPE, to avoid the transmission of infectious diseases to humans (zoonosis). The owner remains legally responsible for the correctly or incorrectly cleaned environment. Let us serve you!

Do business with the Saphir team to stay in control of the situation and protect everyone’s health! Contact us now!

Specialized odor removal: tobacco, cannabis, garbage, urine, mold…

In the presence of tobacco or cannabis smoke, or in unhealthy premises, odors can permeate porous materials (textiles, cardboard, etc.) and semi-porous materials (wood, concrete, gypsum, etc.). Even if the premises have been thoroughly cleaned, the odors present in the materials will continue to be released into the ambient air. Certain volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from feces, urine, mold, bacteria, fumes and chemicals can affect the well-being of occupants. The Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ) states that exposure to VOCs can affect the physical and psychological health of occupants. Physical consequences vary according to the duration, concentration and nature of exposure. In particularly unfavorable environments, they can range from mild irritation of the respiratory mucosa to liver or kidney toxicity, and even the development of cancer.

Whether your home, property, apartment, condo or house is affected by odours from tobacco, cannabis, urine or organic contamination, Nettoyage Saphir knows how to resolve the situation. We’ll use inspection equipment and our experience to find and fix the source if possible. We will deodorize rooms and furnishings using a variety of solutions and technologies depending on the nature of the problem; degreasers, enzymes, ozone and hydroxyl generators as well as steam generators with approved products. We work with over a hundred products, depending on the needs and materials to be treated.

Nettoyage Saphir performs specialized cleaning, including the most severe decontamination. We’re the experts in the field. Get in touch with us! Our quote is free.

Fumée de cigarette responsable de mauvaises odeurs

Industrial cleaning service

Cleaning hard-to-reach surfaces, such as high ceilings, light fixtures or large warehouses, is no easy task for company personnel. Not all industrial cleaning companies have the know-how and experience with specialized equipment and products. We sanitize surfaces and ambient air, using recognized protocols and a variety of technologies.

Let us take care of the industrial cleaning of your enclosed spaces. This is not a job for everyone, as it requires extraordinary adaptation and endurance. Since July 2023, working in confined spaces has been legislated, so you need to be trained to work in them. Confined industrial areas include wells, manholes, pipes, tanks, basins, reservoirs, holds and silos, to name but a few. We use the right PPE for every situation.

Whether you need fine dusting or used oil cleaning, we’re here to serve you. So don’t wait any longer and contact us for your free quotation.

Sceau et produits pour le nettoyage de plancher
Nettoyage de locaux commerciaux et désinfection contre la covid 19

List of our members and privileged partners.

Logo de la FADOQ
Logo du Regroupement des gestionnaires et copropriétaires du Québec
Logo du Montreal Jewish Magazine
Logo de la Fédération des policiers et policières municipaux du Québec

Nettoyage Saphir | Mentions légales

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